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Listing all posts with label Paintball Extras - Teams, Experts & Beginners. Show all posts.
Posted by Brendan Smith - Westchester Rise Paintball Team on April 12, 2011 at 11:40 PM under
For my 14th birthday party fifteen friends of mine and I went to Liberty paintball field in Patterson NY to celebrate. With me, I brought my brand new Spyder E-MR1 paintball marker. In the first game, we played on Liberty’s speedball field. Five seconds after the whistle was blown I was halfway down the field tearing up the other team, when out of the blue my gun quit working. I thought it was my CO2 because I forgot to refill it before going onto the paintball field.
Posted by Administrator on April 3, 2011 at 12:15 AM under
Now you can use your paintball gun for hunting! Of course you’re not going to be able to bag any big game with your Tippmann A5, but you can use your gun to help attract them. Shoot Buck Lure Scented paintballs into territory you want to attract buck deer to hunt them. These .68 caliber paintballs carry the scent of female deer urine and will ‘mark’ your territory, making it smell like a place of frequency for doe.
Posted by MA Aftermath on October 29, 2010 at 2:51 PM under
Ok, so we all know that paintball fields have restrictions on certain paints. Why are these paints restricted? There are multiple reasons. The most common and a major reason that paint is on the banned list of your field is the paint is probably oil based. As paintball has progressed, we have experimented and found out water based paint is much better to shoot off. Not only do oil based paints destroy/stain the fields property, they do the same to players' gear and skin.
Posted by Administrator on August 14, 2010 at 1:37 PM under
Most paintball markers and paintballs are .68 caliber; this is the standard size used in tournaments, commercial fields, and paintball parts worldwide. So, why would company’s start producing a different sized paintball (that require totally different guns and are not the standard size? Why .50 caliber)?
As it turns out, there are many benefits to .
Posted by Administrator on February 20, 2010 at 7:24 PM under
Many paintballers hang up their gear for the winter, but some of the more hardcore fans play all year long. Playing in the cold, however will require you to use certain paintball equipment. CO2 tanks tend to freeze up after shooting your marker repetitively; this causes inconsistencies in the temperature of the gas, making your paintball gun’s shooting less reliable.
Posted by Administrator on December 19, 2009 at 8:45 PM under
What To Get....
"What should I look for in a paintball starter package for my two grandsons? What should it include? They are 12 and 8 respectively. Since they are new to the game, what would be best suited for that age bracket and their skill level?"
To start paintballing you will need a paintball gun, CO2 tank, hopper and mask.
Posted by Ambrewski on November 15, 2009 at 7:53 PM under
Speedball is a fast pace game. It can be played indoors or outdoors, but generally played on a rectangular paintball field. Both sides of the field must be set up with the same arrangement of semi or permanent bunkers. However, speedball can also be played on a field with portable inflatable bunkers such as the half moon or the beam in instances where the players want to make their own original arrangement.
Posted by Mike Morton - Team Trinity on October 4, 2009 at 6:59 PM under
As you get more addicted to paintball, sometimes it becomes tough trying fit it all in. Keeping your grades up while playing paintball is a hard thing to do. Especially if you're playing other sports (along with paintball), you need to find time to get your school work done and still be able to play. You'll have to manage your time wisely while playing paintball during the school year.
Posted by Matt Kresch - Team Trinity on September 26, 2009 at 3:41 PM under
Keeping the game fun is the most important thing to do while playing paintball. Paintball is, and should always be about kids (and adults) having fun. Sometimes people will try to cheat, by wiping paint, ramping over the limit, increasing the velocity of their paintball gun higher than the 'legal limit' or using illegal paintballs.
Posted by Matt Kresch - Team Trinity on September 26, 2009 at 3:28 PM under
Paintball is easy to get addicted to; in fact I know a lot of guys who can be considered 'over-addicted'. Getting over addicted to paintball is both good and bad for a player. It is good because it shows that you love to play the sport and you'll play it enough to get good; but then the bad thing happens. You start putting money into it that you don't need too; you start overspending every last dollar you've got.
Posted by Administrator on September 13, 2009 at 10:09 PM under
Winning paintball teams have several things in common... good tactics, practice drills, and a well conceived paintball strategy. Having a well planned paintball strategy involves thinking a number of moves ahead, playing as a team, and having a specific game plan when confronting the enemy. These will obviously be different for scenario and speedball games but or still must-have's to score the 'W'.
Posted by Mike Morton - Team Trinity on September 6, 2009 at 10:04 PM under
My teammate Matt Kresch and I just went to a local field this past weekend and had a great time. We found out that on the paintball field, our team was stronger when Matt and I stuck together. It seemed like the Teamwork we practiced could overcome any opposing team we encountered. No matter how good of a team we were facing, as long as we worked togther, no one could beat us! We also learned that when you are waiting to play another game, do not wait on the field; stay in a netted area until the game is over.
Posted by Mike Morton - Team Trinity on August 23, 2009 at 6:22 PM under
Cleaning your paintball marker is a very important task that needs to be done after each time you play. Some players never clean their marker at all, and this could lead up to many problems such as ball breakage - paintballs will often prematurely break when shot from a paintball gun with a dirty barrel.
Posted by Mike Morton - Team Trinity on August 16, 2009 at 4:45 PM under
We Hate Cheaters!
No one likes a cheater in paintball. Whether the player wipes his paint off after he's been shot or just doesn't play by the rules, no one likes cheaters. Everyone plays paintball to have a good time, why ruin it for them by cheating? I've seen my fair share of cheating and it definitely takes the fun out of the game.
Posted by IePlexus Staff on August 12, 2009 at 1:01 PM under
Bunkers Add More Fun
While paintball is a great sport to enjoy all the time, if you play the same game all the time, it can also grow stale in the same environment with the same people. In order to inject a little bit of adrenaline into your game, consider adding some different paintball bunkers to your field or perhaps take your game to a different area.
Posted by Dan Levesque on July 19, 2009 at 4:01 PM under
1 comment
Stock up on your Air Supplies - Wal Mart's not refilling anymore!
So I bring my son's CO2 tanks into Wal Mart to exchange them for filled ones the other day..... and the kid behind the counter proceeds in telling me how paintball is being 'phased out' and that airsoft is taking over! Yeah right! Let's face it.
Posted by Matt Kresch - Trinity Paintball Team on July 11, 2009 at 6:44 PM under
Communication is Key!
When on the paintball field, the number one rule and key to victory is communication. As the saying goes the battle was lost due to lack of communication.
Posted by Audria Miller - Midwest Assassins Paintball Team on June 13, 2009 at 10:14 PM under
Is paintball more of a sport for guys than it is for girls?
I think not. I'm very much the girly girl type. I learned of paintball through a friend at first, but then my sisters’ boyfriend was on a team and talked about it non-stop.
Posted by Joey W. - Midwest Assassins Division 1 Paintball Team on May 16, 2009 at 7:33 PM under
The Current Direction of Paintball
What do you think about the direction that paintball is heading in? Direction meaning new equipment coming out, the way competitions are run, scenario paintball getting bigger, etc.
I love the current direction that paintball is heading; I think it's heading in the right direction and it's a very good one.
Posted by AJ Madigan - Midwest Assassins Paintball Team, Team Leader on May 2, 2009 at 8:56 PM under
I Play Paintball!
My favorite equipment and paintball gun would have to be my face mask by JT and my Spyder Mr1. This gun has great durability, smooth trigger pull and there are many, many upgrades to make it even more ready for combat. I use it in speedball and tactical games.
Posted by Joey W. - Midwest Assassins, Division 1 Paintball Team on May 1, 2009 at 12:12 AM under
Funny stories about playing paintball...
The first day of practice, one of the guys that was on my team got shot in the testicles and dropped like a rock. Another day we were playing and the same guy got hit in the same spot, I thought that was pretty funny, but he wasn't laughing. I would highly recommend a groin protector! One time, Travis, the Captain of our team, was running through the woods when all the sudden he tripped over a rock and face planted right into a tree.
Posted by Joey W. - Midwest Assassins, Division 1 Paintball Team on May 1, 2009 at 12:04 AM under
What kind of injuries have you had from paintball?
I got hurt when I was playing paintball for the first time - we were playing scenario paintball in the woods and I tripped over a vine and scraped my legs and hands a little.
Posted by Travis Sauer - Midwest Assassins Paintball Team, Captain on April 24, 2009 at 8:02 PM under
Scenario or Speedball Competition?
This is a good question, because I really like both; but if I had to choose one over the other I guess I would choose Scenario.
Posted by Travis Sauer - Midwest Assassins Paintball Team, Captain on April 24, 2009 at 7:35 PM under
Tips For Beginning Teams
If you're just starting a paintball team, first get a bunch of your friends together and go out and play paintball in the woods to see if you like it and to see if they like it (and to see if you like playing with them!).
Posted by Travis Sauer - Midwest Assassins Paintball Team, Captain on April 15, 2009 at 12:07 AM under
I Love Paintball!
I love playing paintball because its a totally addictive, fast paced, fun sport - and its safe to play. I first started playing when I was 12 years old and I immediately loved it as a stress relief; somehow it relieves your stress because you get to shoot people with guns but
not actually hurt or kill them.
Posted by Joey W. - Midwest Assassins, Division 1 Paintball Team on April 3, 2009 at 12:15 AM under
What I Dislike About Paintball
The thing I dislike about paintball is when people get mad because they got hit and start throwing stuff. They really need to stop acting like a baby and realize getting hit is part of playing paintball. This is something I would change about paintball if I could; 'No one's allowed to get mad!'.
Posted by Travis Sauer - Midwest Assassins Paintball Team, Captain on April 2, 2009 at 11:43 PM under
Tips On Getting Sponsored....
ChoicePaintballGuns is sponoring our team, The Midwest Assassins....
If you want a good sponsor, the hard part is coming up with a nice team resume...and remember, your sponsorship is a business relationship - you need to give a little to recieve a little. You need to be totally honest and don't just ask your sponsors for free stuff; this is something you work up to.
Posted by Administrator on April 2, 2009 at 11:40 PM under
Join A Team - It's More Fun!
Why join a team? Because it's much more fun! There's no doubt about it team players get more kills, get killed less and hang more flags. Always. Here's how coordinated teams spank walk-on players:
-Tight tactics such as suppressive fire, flanking and leap-frogging.
Posted by Administrator on November 5, 2008 at 9:17 AM under
.43 Cal Paintball Pistols Outlawed in Canada
We can't figure out why Canadian Customs has put a ban on .43 caliber paintball pistols. They do allow paintball in Canada, however cusoms can be tricky to send guns through. Oddly, they won't bother with .
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